Psalm 73:26

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion."

Thursday, May 14, 2009

We made it....

Well after a long day of flying, we made it to Ft Benning GA. It has been great. Brookelynn won't let her daddy out of her sight and Kierra is totally up for the adventure again. They are eating cereal out of a cup on the floor of the hotel and watching cartoons. It's a little crazy, but we are enjoying life all being together again.

We will load the remainder of our things here in GA and head out for Ft Campbell KY tomorrow afternoon. Will graduates in the morning. Pray that the Lord will have the perfect house waiting for us and if we have to wait...patience in the waiting. We are all so ready to not be living out of suitcases and so ready to spread out a bit again. I know the Lord already knows our future and I will rest in that.

It was so great spending tons of time with all my friends and family. Love you all!!

1 comment:

The Fifes said...

What a blessing that you were able to spend so much time with your families and even better that you are in KY now! Looking forward to finding out when the Lord brings your home to you. I admire your strength in all you have going on right now!