Psalm 73:26

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion."

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Thoughts on Raising kids...

One thing that always happens to me whenever I am away from my family (or they are away from me) is I take more time to pray for them and to reflect on what they mean to me. Lately I've been thinking about how important my kids are to me and how much I want God to help me be the best Father possible to them. It seems that our culture today is trying very hard (and winning the battle if you ask me) on telling Christians how we are to raise our kids.

In my quiet times God always seems to reveal things to me about how I am called to raise my kids with Danae. Here's what I feel God wants me to share with others. Especially those with daughters:

Dads - go after their hearts...that is where obedience and respect will grow from. Take them on dates (even if they are little) make them feel special. Compliment them often...on everything. Girls want to be adored, admired and sought after...if you don't give them this attention now they will go looking for it in some dead beat guy later. Set a standard of how a man is supposed to love a woman by how you treat and love your wife. Your girls are being taught and trained what to expect from guys by how you treat them and how you treat your wife...think about this responsibility often.
Help around the house. True leaders lead by example! True leaders are Jesus. Help your wife with everything...especially in discipline when they are younger. Lead with love and not with anger.
Most importantly teach your kids about God - pray with them, do Bible studies with them, teach them to memorize God's Word. Make them want to mirror your relationship with Christ.

Moms - You too have to lead by example. You are with them probably more than any person ever will be...this means that you have endure more headaches than anyone...God will bless your continued efforts! Don't get so wrapped up in the moment that you lose sight of what you are really doing...which is loving your kids and raising them to know the Lord. Teach your kids to obey you the first time...this helps with the patience thing. :) Lead by example in your walk with God and your kids will want to follow in your footsteps.

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox. I love and miss you guys.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Good News and Good Day

I just wanted to let everyone know that we had the tests on the baby yesterday in Nashville. All came out great as far as the doctors could see. He is weighing right on and there were no defects found. God is good all the time!!!! I do want to thank everyone for the sweet phone calls, emails, and texts. You all are great friends.

Now I am leaving tomorrow for Ft Leonard Wood MO with the girls. My brother and sister-in-law are expecting their second any day now. I told Shannon that it would just be easier on everyone if she had the baby while we were parents are driving out there too. If she doesn't I don't think we will get to see Leah till Christmas time as I am getting too big to make that trip. So Shannon I am praying Leah comes soon!!!:)

Will starts Air Assault school Friday here at Ft Campbell. He will do well I am sure of it. He can already do the most challenging part of the course well. Not to mention he surpassed all the standards for the prelims. He's so smart! I just love my man!

Well, it's off to the free movies with the girls even though I should be here doing laundry and packing. That can wait till midnight I guess like it usually happens.

Always Praising Him

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's a BOY!!!!

For those of you not on facebook, we found out last week that we are having a boy. We are very excited and I think Will has picked a name. Payton Will. The girls are so excited and so funny when they talk about Payton and a baby brother. They will be great big sisters.

Please keep the baby in your prayers as the ultrasound came back abnormal. I am going to Nashville next week for further testing. Not really sure what any of it means. We just have to be still and wait on the Lord who already has a plan and a purpose and has our best interests in mind.

The family is headed to KY for the 4th for a big family reunion with all my Mom's side of the family. We are very excited to see everyone.

Hope you all have a great 4th! Praise God for our Freedom!!
