Psalm 73:26

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion."

Thursday, March 12, 2009 we're back home

Hey everyone,

I graduated on Tuesday. It was a good course in the sense that I did learn a lot about Air Defense Artillery and I spent a good amount of time with my family. :) The Lord was good to me during this course and I was somehow able to graduate as the Distinguished Honor Graduate (1st in my class), the Iron Leader (highest physical fitness score), the Communications Award winner, and the Lightweight combatives champion...our class did very well as a group so it made it more enjoyable to go through it with them.

We had a very good trip to Idaho and now are staying with my family (the Thornfeldt's) in Fruitland and we are all SOOOO happy to be home.

Kierra and Brookelynn have been able to see all their Grandparents and they love being with all of them (although I think the Grandparents love it more)

Danae is super happy to be in a house that feels like a home and she has been able to visit some of her friends. She goes to the Dr. on Monday so hopefully we will know a little more then.

Just wanted to let you all know that we were safe and enjoying the colder weather here in Idaho...not quite the 70-80 degree winter El Paso gave us, but at least its not snowing!

Love you guys.


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