Psalm 73:26

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion."

Saturday, January 10, 2009


This week was the first week in PATRIOT phase (the second phase) of our course. The PATRIOT weapon system is the main weapon in Air Defense and it is extremely complex and technical. This week alone we were introduced to over 100 new acronyms and terms...all of which we have to know. :)

It is a little hard for me to be too interested in this phase because I am not going to a PATRIOT unit; I am going to a unit that really does some Air Defense, but mostly other combat arms type of missions. The weapon at my unit is one that is new and defends forward bases from rockets, artillery and mortars. Unfortunately, I will get zero training on that weapon system before I get to my unit...oh well. :)

This week has been very busy as my brother Zebb and his fiance, Celia, were here for a few days...and adjusting to everyone being back in school and getting back into our routine. Kierra and Brookelynn are doing great and learning more and more every day. Brookie will turn two next week, and my younger brother Sage and his fiance, Kristen, are coming to visit us this Thursday. We are very thankful and blessed to have had my brothers come visit us so much while I am here. We all miss family, and are all looking forward to coming home in March. :)

I pray that all is well with you and I would ask that you all remember to pray for America as several people have lost jobs and are struggling financially. God is our provider and He will see us through. We just need to remain faithful and remember Who provides for our needs.

love and miss you guys.


1 comment:

Modern-Day Ma said...

Happy Birthday to Brooklyn!! :-)