Psalm 73:26

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion."

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Officer Candidate School

Today I finished up my initial entry processing into the Active Army and got sworn in. I fly out tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. and I'm off to Fort Benning, GA for the next 14 weeks.

I don't know all what my training will entail, but I can imagine that it will be somewhat rigorous to begin with. Most of the people I will be training with will have a grand total of 2 months in the I imagine the initation process will still be in effect. It doesn't bother me though, I know that this training is designed to help me lead soldiers in combat and save lives.

Today was also a great blessing as I got to share the Word of God with some of the Army's newest soldiers. The Gideons came in and gave us all Bibles and I was able to share some key verses that helped me through basic training with them. Verses like 2 Timothy 2:2-4 and Ephesians 6:10-18.

The time away from my family will be tough; please be in prayer for all of my girls as they will have to adjust to not having Daddy around for a while. There is always a positive side to every situation - in this case being away from my family will only strengthen my reliance upon the Lord and His power to get me through. I couldn't do this without Him, and my heart breaks for those that will be with me that don't know the love of Christ. My prayer is that the Lord will use me to change that part!

Danae will post my address as soon as I send it to her and she will keep the blog updated while I am away. I love you all and will miss you while I'm away.

A Soldier For Christ


1 comment:

Unknown said...

wish i could have seen you this past weekend. glad you'll keep us updated though and we'll look after those kids and wife of yours as best we can from a state away :)